Beat ChatGPT!
Think ChatGPT is better at sending cold emails than a human?
Beat ChatGPT!
Think ChatGPT is better at sending cold emails than a human?
Think again, pal. It’s Humans 1, Robots 0.
But hey, it’s round two!
ChatGPT is coming prepared and ready for a rematch.
Book a front row seat, and bring the popcorn, and come decide who wins!
Vin Matano
Host/Senior Account Executive
IC-5, Demandbase
Jason Bay
Founder & CEO,
Outbound Squad
Belal Batrawy
Alan Shen
Growth, 30MPC
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See if ChatGPT can truly replace the human touch (spoiler: even we don’t know!)
Find out how the top cold email pros get high response rates
Learn new ways ChatGPT can save you tons of time for your cold outreach
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