How to Run Sales 1:1s and Coaching Sessions (That Don't Suck)
🗓️ Wednesday, May 28, 2025 | 9:00 AM PT

Let's call it like it is. Most sales 1:1s are a complete waste of time.
"How's pipeline looking? Any blockers? See ya next week!"
These check-in meetings aren't just boring — they're actively killing your team's performance. Every pointless 1:1 means another week where your reps don't improve, deals stall, and your numbers stay flat.
Kevin Dorsey's flipping that script. He’s sharing his systematic process that transforms these pointless check-ins into powerful coaching sessions that actually drive results. (The same process he used to build multiple $100M+ ARR teams.)
KD’s secret? 1:1s need to be rep-led, focused on identifying specific coaching gaps, and include live practice — not just talk. Get this right and you'll stop wasting hours each week while actually seeing your team's numbers climb.
Miss this, and you'll keep running the same ineffective meetings that leave your team frustrated and underperforming. The choice is yours.

Why the heck you should watch

Get KD's battle-tested 1:1 template that covers everything from pipeline to self-care

See how to implement live practice that creates immediate skill improvement

Learn how to structure coaching that reps actually look forward to (instead of dread)
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